First Name
Last Name
Telephone number
Dog's name, approx DOB & breed
How long have you had your dog? Where did you get them from? (e.g. breeder, rescue, friend, etc)
Date of last vaccinations/titre test
Have you ever attended training classes or had a previous trainer? Please give details.
How do you reward your dog when s/he has done well?
How do you correct your dog when you are unhappy with his/her behaviour?
List five things which your dog enjoys or is motivated by? (i.e. ball, sausage)
Does your dog eat treats on walks?
Do you walk your dog, if so how often and for how long?
Do you let your dog off lead? Please describe their recall.
What types of training, if any, do you do with your dog other than on walks (i.e. games around the house)?
Any health issues or exercise restrictions? Please give details.
Any allergies or dietary restrictions?
Please give details of any training and behavioural issues.
PLEASE DESCRIBE THEIR INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER DOGS: How often do they meet new dogs? / Are they comfortable interacting with other dogs? / How quickly, if at all, do they warm to new dogs? / What do they do when they see a new dog for the first time? / What kind of dogs does your dog prefer to engage calmly with e.g. any, none, small, medium, large, older, younger, energetic, calm / Any that they dislike or prefer not to interact with? / Have they ever growled, snapped or bitten? Please give details / Does their behaviour change on or off lead?
PLEASE DESCRIBE THEIR INTERACTIONS WITH HUMANS: How often do they meet new people? / Are they comfortable interacting with people? / How quickly, if at all, do they warm to new people? / What do they do when they see a new person for the first time? / What kind of people does your dog prefer e.g. adults, kids, women, men, etc. / Any that they dislike or prefer not to interact with? / Have they ever growled, snapped or bitten? Please give details / Does their behaviour change on or off lead?
If your dog is reactive or their overexcitability is a problem, in what situations and at what distance to they react at?
What would you like to achieve from these sessions?
Focus on me around distractions
Reducing the distance that my dog acts calmly around other dogs/people
Find a potential playmate for my dog
Fun and enrichment for my dog
Opportunity to socialise with other members and Scentventure Guides