First Name
Last Name
Telephone number
Home address including postcode (for pre-course prep)
Dog's name, approx DOB & breed
How long have you had your dog and where did you get them from (breeder/rescue/friend, etc)?
Date of last vaccinations/titre test
How do you reward your dog when s/he has done well?
List five things which your dog enjoys or is motivated by? (i.e. ball, sausage)
Do you walk your dog, if so how often and for how long?
Does your dog eat treats on walks?
Have you ever attended training classes or had a previous trainer? Please give details.
What types of activities, if any, do you do with your dog other than on walks (i.e. games around the house)?
Where does your dog sleep at night?
How much time do they spend alone?
Any health issues, allergies or exercise restrictions? Please give details.
What do you currently feed your dog and how often? Please include treats*
Please give details of any training and behavioural issues.
When did the issue begin? Where does it happen? With whom? What do you think triggers the problem? (i.e. excitement, fear, boredom) What have you tried so far?
What would you like to achieve from Scentventure?
Which activities interest you most? You can choose more than one.
Scentwork (we have several different kinds of scentwork you can try)
Adventure (for example, climbing, balancing, utilising different objects in the environment to interact with)
Focusing on behavioural issues such as distraction and/or reactivity
Finally, what is your general availability e.g. Saturdays / weekdays / weekday evenings, etc.